Gems of Sanatan Dharma

This section of Chitta contains many verses of realization, divinity, bliss, compassion and even confession. These verses are from a variety of sources including the Pandava Gita, the Mahabharata, the Shiva Taandava Storam, the Srimad Bhagavatam, the Tattireeya Aranyaka; This is a collection of verses from various sources within Hindu philosophy.

See God in EverythingDriṣhad-vichitra-tal-payor – Shiva Taandava Stotram
One Amighty GodEk onkaar satnaam – Guru Granth Sahib
Dedicate thoughts, words & actionsKaayena vaachaaSrimad Bhagvatam
Please remove darkness & enmityLakshmi karotu kalyaanam
Ayur Mantra – Be blessed, spread blissMakhaaya tvaa sheerṣhne Taittiriya Aranyaka
He makes the dumb speakMookam karoti vaacaalamGita Dhyaanam
Salutations to the ever-present OneMoola Mantra – Om sachchidaananda parabrahma
Namokara (navakaara) mantraṆamo arihantaaṇamJainism
Homage to the EarthSamudra vasane devi – Prithvi Sukta
Homage to the giver of knowledgeSaraswati namastubhyam –  Sarasvati stotram
We seek protection and blissSarvamangala-maangal-ye –  Markandeya Puraana
Salutations to the serene OneShaantaakaaram bhujaga-shayanam
Please protect my intellectShubham karoti kalyaanam;
Deepa-jyotir param brahma
Remove all obstaclesVakratuṇḍa mahaakaaya –  Ganapati SahasranamaStotram
Remove all evil from my pathVasudeva sutam devamGita Dhyaanam
Go to the centerYaa kunden-du-tuṣhaara-haara-dhavalaaSreeSaraswati Stuti

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