Gems of Sanatan Dharma

Namokara mantra (navakaara mantra)

This Manokaara mantra or navkaara mantra (also called Pancha Namaskaara Mantra, Namaskaara Mantra, Navakaara Mantra, Namaskaara Mangala or Paramesthi Mantra) is the most significant mantra is Jainism.

It is the first mantra used in meditation. This verse pays homage to the pancha-parameshthi that is, the five supreme state of liberation: Arihant those who have destroyed the four inimical karmas (see below), the Siddha (persons with highest spiritual perfection), the Acharyas (leaders of the faith who live, teach and preach), the Upadhyaayas (those who teach and preach it), the Saadhus (the sages who practice the right conduct).

The practitioner who is meditates accepts that paying homage to these five supreme souls will eradicate our karma, that this mantra is most auspicious, and its practice will bring well-being to every living entity.

A beautiful rendition of this verse can be found here.

णमो अरिहंताणं
णमो िद्धाणं
णमो आयरिाणं
णमो उवज्झााणं
णमो लोए सव्व ाहूणं ।
एसोपंचणमोक्कारो सव्वपावप्पणासणो ।
मंगला णं सव्वेिं पडमम हवई मंगलं ।

Ṇamo arihantaaṇam
Ṇamo siddhaaṇam
Ṇamo aaya-riyaaṇam
Ṇamo uvajjhaa-yaaṇam
Ṇamo loye savva saahoo-ṇam
Aiso-pancha-ṇamok-kaaro, savva-paap-paṇaasaṇo
Mangalaa ṇam cha savve-sim, paḍamam havaee magalam.

I bow to the Arihants, the liberated ones.
I bow to the Siddhas, perfected ones.
I bow to the Aacharyas, preceptors.
I bow to the Upadhyaayas, teachers,
I bow to all the Sadhus, saints.
This five-fold salutation (mantra) destroys sins and obstacles.
And, of all auspicious mantras, this is the foremost auspicious one.

There are according to Jain religion, eight karmas, four being those that cause harm (ghaatiyaa karma) and four being non-harming karma (gyaanaverniya karma).

The karmas that cause harm are
1) Gyaanaavaraṇeeya karma – Knowledge-obscuring karma. These obscure knowledge of the soul.
2) Darshanaavaraṇeeya karma – Perception-obscuring karma. These diminishes or negatively affects one’s soul
3) Monaniya karma – Deluding karma. This is, in effect, the worst karma to overcome. It is the primary cause of destruction of the soul’s purity.
4) Antaraaya karma – Obstruction karma. These obstructs our ability to be charitable and kind and to benefit from the gains and enjoyment of life.

When these karmas are destroyed, one can be liberated.

The karmas that are non-harming (Gyaanaverniya karma) are
1) Mati jnanavarana-karma. These actions obscure knowledge that is transmitted through the senses.
2) Shruta jnanavarana-karma. These obscures knowledge acquired by interpreting signs, words, writings, gestures, etc.
3) Avadhi jnanavarana-karma. These hinder transcendental knowledge of material things.
4) Manahparyaya jnanavarana-karma. These hinder transcendental knowledge of the thoughts of others.

These four karmas, if uncontrolled can produce even more disturbances and karmas.

There is the final Kevala jnanavarana-karma which obscures the omniscience inherent in the jiva by natural disposition. This hinders us totally, if unchecked.

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